Regular meetings of Council are usually held on the first and third Monday of each month starting at 7:00 pm. Meetings take place in Langford Council Chambers on the third floor of City Hall, 877 Goldstream Avenue. Please see the meeting calendar below for the most up-to-date Council and Committee meeting schedules. Click here to view the full 2025 meeting schedule, including cancellations.
As a result of the recent inappropriate behavior, yelling, and outbursts from some members of the public during Council proceedings, members of the community have expressed that they do not feel safe attending in person or speaking to items during City Council meetings.
Council Chambers is a place of business. Council values input from all members of the public; however, name calling, yelling, heckling, or any other disruptive or aggressive behaviour which staff or other members of the public may find intimidating, will not be permitted.
The City will take all steps necessary to ensure that City Hall, including Council Chambers, is a safe working environment, and a safe place for all members of the community to attend.
As of March 15, 2021, all Council and Committee meetings will be live-streamed. A live-stream link will be available on this page when the meeting is live. To participate in the meeting, participants can join the meeting via Zoom, following the instructions provided below. After the meeting, a hyperlinked indexed video recording of the meeting will be available by clicking on the agenda link.
Please note that the agenda may be subject to minor amendments prior to the meeting. For the most up to date version, please ensure you are refreshing the page or downloading the agenda after 4:30pm the day of the meeting.
The City of Langford is accepting donations for the Goldstream Food Bank. If you are able, please bring a non-perishable food item with you to Council or Committee Meetings.

Pre May 30, 2022 meetings & agendas
As of May 30, 2022, the City has moved to a new meeting management software. Information and documents related to meetings predating May 30, 2022, can be found below:
City of Langford Council Meetings
Administration & Finance Committee
Parks, Recreation, Culture & Beautification Committee
Planning, Zoning, & Affordable Housing Committee
Protective Services Committee
Transportation & Public Works Committee
Privacy policy
Please note that the opinions you express orally, and any presentations you submit to the City of Langford, will be webcast live and will be recorded to form part of the public record. Correspondence you submit with respect to public hearing items will also form part of the public record and will be published on the agenda. The City of Langford considers your address relevant to matters on the agenda and will disclose this personal information as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject matter. This is authorized under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FOIPPA”). Your phone number and email address will not be disclosed.
For further information on FOIPPA, please email .